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Wesley and Salvation

Completion requirements

After watching Dr. Bounds’ video introduction and reading Chapter 6 in Practicing Christian Doctrine, read John Wesley’s sermon, “The Scripture Way of Salvation.” In it, he sets out his understanding of the ordo salutis, the order in which the process of salvation often takes place. However, focus more on the elements than the order.

Now, write a reflection on the work of Jesus Christ. What is it that Jesus has done for us? Go beyond atonement theories to talk about Jesus’ life, his resurrection, and his exaltation to God’s right hand. Include Scripture references and be sure to cover the material in Dr. Bounds’ video overview of the module.

As you record the learning that you have gained in your module study, react to the material while also doing a little more research. What have you learned that you did know know before? What really strikes you and resonates with you? Is there anything you’re just not sure about? How does this material apply to you personally? Is there any aspect of your learning that you think would be foreign to other people you know? Apply the material to your life.

Write up your journal reflections and upload them to the course. They should be 450-600 words This assignment is worth 40 points.