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Practice: Explore Ideas for Community Belonging

Completion requirements

Conduct research to gather inspiration for initiatives that could enhance the sense of belonging within your church community and engage in a brainstorming session to generate applicable ideas.


  1. Research and Inspiration (45 minutes)
    1. Dedicate 45 minutes to researching community-building initiatives from other churches, religious groups, or community organizations. Aim to identify successful strategies that foster a strong sense of belonging among members.
    2. Focus on finding examples that demonstrate creativity, inclusivity, and effective engagement. Look for initiatives that could be scalable or adaptable to fit the size and diversity of your church community.
    3. Make notes on the key elements that contribute to the success of these initiatives, including any resources or partnerships they utilize.
  2. Idea Generation (75 minutes)
    1. Using insights from your research, spend 75 minutes brainstorming ideas for new belonging initiatives tailored to your church's context. Aim for quality over quantity, focusing on ideas that resonate with your church's unique needs and opportunities for engagement.
    2. Briefly indicate how each idea might be implemented, considering inclusivity, practicality, and potential barriers to success.
    3. For each idea, jot down a couple of sentences on why it could be effective in enhancing the sense of belonging and how it aligns with the values and mission of your church.


Compile a concise summary of your research and ideas and upload it using the option below. Include:

  • A brief overview of each researched initiative and its key success factors.
  • A list of your brainstormed ideas with short descriptions and initial thoughts on their potential impact and feasibility.

See Example (PDF)