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Lesson 3 Reflection

Completion requirements

Take a moment to consider your current perspective on calling and how it shapes your engagement with the Great Commission. Reflect on the various models of understanding calling, such as the bullseye, balance beam, or baseball diamond concepts mentioned in the video, or any other that resonates with you. How do these models influence your feelings and actions toward discovering and living out your calling? Are there adjustments or shifts in perspective that might help you embrace a more fulfilling path to serving God and others?

Contemplate how your everyday activities, interests, and talents might intersect with the Great Commission. Ask yourself:

  • How can I use my unique skills and passions to further the message of Jesus?
  • In which areas of the Great Commission do I feel most called to contribute?

Use this reflection to invite His guidance on how to align your concept of calling with His purposes.

Submit your reflections using the option below.