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Lesson 5 Practice

Completion requirements

At the end of the Lesson, Dr. Deneff follows the lead of Francis de Sales and suggests that we set up spiritual disciplines that take us toward the virtues that counteract our spiritual vulnerabilities. If we are tempted by lust, not only might we avoid anything before our eyes that would feed such temptations, but we might discipline our minds through prayer and positive love toward others that do not treat the other as an object to be used but as people to be respected. If we are tempted to gossip, not only might we avoid participating in such conversation, but we might discipline ourselves to say multiple positive things about others that we might otherwise gossip about.

What would you say are your greatest spiritual vulnerabilities and areas for greatest growth in holiness? Are there some “counter-disciplines” you might put into effect to train your mind? Try this exercise and then upload your reflections on the experience using the option below.