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Capstone Activity

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In the first Lesson, Dr. JoAnne Lyon talked about how many people express to her a sense that they do not know their vocation or calling. It is easy enough in the church simply to follow the visions of others. This course has been about saying “yes” to God, and a key aspect of saying “yes” to God is knowing what he is calling you to do.

Reflect on the whole testimony of Dr. Lyon and all the material you have covered in this course. Answer the following questions, pulling from your previous practice exercises, and then formulate a final sense of what you think your calling is.

  1. Do any obstacles still remain between you and God? Have you “died to self”? Are you fully surrendered to God to the best of your knowledge, without holding anything back?
  2. Are there any needs or passions that God has revealed to you as you have gone through this course? Has God given you a burden for any of the many needs in the world? Are you waiting on God’s timing to move forward with any of them?
  3. What does God seem to be doing in your context? Are there any points where you see a possible intersection between the mission of God for your world and any calling you have begun to sense?
  4. In light of all these things, do you sense your calling coming into focus? What is the Lord telling you he wants to do, at least in part, through you?
  5. What are the next steps? Are there any obstacles in the way? Has the Lord shown you a path forward?

When you are done, write up your answers to these questions and upload them to the course.