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  • Lesson 3: Four Essential Ingredients


    This lesson aims to equip you to:

    1. Understand the four essential ingredients/resources of Christian counseling:
      1. The Holy Spirit
      2. The Bible
      3. Prayer
      4. Community
    2. Understand that using the Bible will grant six benefits for you:
      1. Confrontation
      2. Teaching
      3. Meditation
      4. Comfort
      5. Ethics
      6. Change
    3. Understand that to achieve success in bringing healing to the person you are counselling, they will need to meet some requirements:
      1. They must see the need
      2. They have to want to do something about it
      3. There must be mutual respect between the counselor and the counselee
      4. They must be willing to invest quality time in a meaningful relationship with you