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  • Lesson 5: Looking to Jesus: The Intertestamental Period

    The period between the closing of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament is often mistakenly believed to be a time when God was silent. Despite the absence of biblical writings during this period, God actively participated in the lives of his people. This era was marked by the shift in power from the Persians to Alexander the Great and then to the Romans. In this time, God’s people faced many difficulties, including desecration of the Temple and persecution. Despite this, God was strategically placing Jewish communities throughout the Mediterranean world. He was working behind the scenes, laying the groundwork for the translation of the Bible from Hebrew to Greek and the establishment of peace and infrastructure under Roman rule. This period of preparation culminated in the fulfillment of God’s plan with the coming of Jesus, demonstrating God’s unwavering presence and activity even in the seemingly silent years.


    By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

    1. Describe the period of Jewish history between the Old Testament and the coming of Jesus.
    2. Give evidence of how God sometimes accomplishes his plan through non-believers.
    3. Express how God was preparing the world for the coming of Jesus in the intertestamental period.