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  • Lesson 2: The Fulfillment Begins: Creating a People

    The calling of Abraham was the beginning of a storyline that would end with the coming of Christ. Abraham was the hinge that began to turn from an image of God completely shattered in humanity toward our restoration. That turning grew over almost a thousand years to become Israel, a mission people in the world. To Israel God would give the Law, another pointer toward restored humanity. In this lesson, we will trace the story of Israel’s founding as a people.


    By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

    1. Narrate the story of Israel from the exodus to God giving them a king.
    2. Give a snapshot of each book of the Old Testament from Exodus to 1 Samuel.
    3. Explain the significance of the exodus both in the story of Israel but also in the broader character of God toward his people and the world.
    4. Describe the nature of God’s covenant relationship with Israel during the period of the judges and lessons we can take from it today.