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  • Lesson 4: The Battleground of the Mind

    One of the key places where the Devil will fight us is in our minds. In addition to our own thoughts and the voice of God, the Devil whispers thoughts in our minds as well. These are not just temptations to sin overtly. The Devil also puts self-doubt and other self-defeating or misleading thoughts in our heads, too. This lesson strategizes on how to fight back. We take every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5) and replace the lies of the Devil with truths from Scripture.


    The lesson aims to equip you to:

    1. Distinguish between our thoughts, the thoughts of God in our minds, and the thoughts of the enemy in our minds, accusing us and tempting us.
    2. Strategize to fight off the attacks of the enemy on our minds by taking every thought captive and replacing the Devil’s lies with the truth of God’s word.