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  • Lesson 1: Near and Far


    In Lesson 1, Pastor Richard Cox of Overflow Church shares his personal journey from aspiring global missionary to realizing the need for missionary work in North America. He emphasizes the importance of both global and local outreach, drawing inspiration from Hudson Taylor's approach in China. This lesson underscores the idea that missionary work is not just overseas but is crucial within our own communities. Pastor Cox highlights the significance of developing a biblical foundation for outreach, illustrating the concept of being 'here, near, hard, and far' in community engagement and the transformative power of the Gospel in both familiar and challenging environments.

    Upon completing the lesson video, reflect on the following questions, either individually or as part of a group discussion:

    • Reflect on your own community: What are the 'near' and 'far' areas where the gospel's presence is needed, and how can you engage with them?
    • How can the story of Hudson Taylor's approach in China inspire our local outreach methods?
    • In what ways does your current life situation (workplace, neighborhood) provide opportunities for missionary work?
    • Discuss the concept of being 'here, near, hard, and far' in your outreach strategy. How can you apply this in practical ways?

    God started opening my eyes to how many people were living in our community...that never had anyone actually step outside of their comfort zone and enter into their life.

    Pastor Richard Cox

    Key Takeaways

    • Missionary work is not limited to overseas; it's equally important in our local communities.
    • Building relationships is key to effective outreach, rather than one-time events.
    • Outreach should focus on all areas - local (here and near), challenging (hard), and global (far).

    Key Terms

    • Missionary Work
    • Community Engagement
    • Outreach Strategy
    • Persons of Peace