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  • Lesson 5: Disciplining Our Kids



    In Lesson 5, Liz takes you deeper into the heart of children's ministry, focusing on the spiritual formation of young believers. This lesson explores innovative ways to extend discipleship beyond regular class settings, emphasizing the importance of parental involvement and community engagement. Liz shares her wisdom on recognizing and nurturing the spiritual potential of children and offers creative solutions for integrating discipleship into every aspect of ministry. Be prepared to be inspired to cultivate a rich and meaningful spiritual journey for the children in your ministry.

    Upon completing the lesson video, reflect on the following questions, either individually or as part of a group discussion:

    • How can we recognize and nurture the spiritual depth and capacity of children in our ministry?
    • What creative approaches can be used to extend discipleship beyond traditional Sunday classes and midweek programs?
    • Discuss the role of parents in the discipleship of their children and how the ministry can support them.
    • How can children be involved in the broader church community to prepare them for future leadership roles?

    You are bringing an eternal difference to the lives of these kids. And their stories. You're part of that story.

    Rev. Liz Hoyt

    Key Takeaways

    • Children have a remarkable capacity for spiritual depth, which should be recognized and nurtured.
    • Creative approaches, such as leadership groups and special events, can enhance discipleship beyond regular classes.
    • Parental involvement is crucial in children's spiritual development, and the ministry should provide resources and support to parents.
    • Involving children in the church community prepares them for future roles and fosters a deeper connection to the church.

    Key Terms

    • Spiritual Depth
    • Creative Discipleship
    • Parental Involvement
    • Church Community
    • Future Leadership