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  • Lesson 1: Let's Get Excited



    Welcome to Lesson 1, "Let's Get Excited!" with Liz Hoyt. In this session, we dive into the vibrant world of children's ministry, guided by Liz's extensive experience and infectious enthusiasm. Liz, a seasoned children's pastor from Moncton New Brunswick, shares her journey and insights from over three decades in ministry. This lesson focuses on igniting your passion for kids' ministry, understanding its profound impact, and embracing the challenge of creating a dynamic and spiritually enriching environment for children. Whether you're a veteran or new to this journey, prepare to be inspired and equipped with practical strategies to transform your approach to children's ministry.

    Upon completing the lesson video, reflect on the following questions, either individually or as part of a group discussion:

    • How can personal experiences in ministry inform our approach to teaching children?
    • What are the unique challenges and rewards you have faced in kids' ministry?
    • How can we develop a vision and plan that resonates with children in our community?
    • Discuss ways to collaborate and find mentorship in kids' ministry.

    Create a plan...what are the nonnegotiables in your vision, for your kids' ministry?

    Rev. Liz Hoyt

    Key Takeaways

    • The importance of personal experiences and understanding in shaping kids' ministry.
    • Creating a vision and plan is crucial for a successful ministry.
    • Collaborating and finding mentorship can greatly enhance the ministry's effectiveness.

    Key Terms

    • Vision
    • Mentorship
    • Collaboration
    • Community Needs
    • Nonnegotiables