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  • Lesson 6: Why Worship


    In this concluding lesson, the course revisits the central question, 'Why Worship?', digging into the purpose and impact of worship in the Christian life. It discusses worship as an act of ordering within the Christian community, aligning believers with God's will and each other. The lesson emphasizes worship as a practical enactment of Christ's command to love God and others, highlighting its role in the believer's spiritual journey.

    Upon completing the lesson video, reflect on the following questions, either individually or as part of a group discussion:

    • Reflect on your understanding of worship after completing this course.
    • How does worship serve as a literal expression of elevating God and humbling ourselves?
    • Discuss the role of worship in ordering and shaping the Christian community.
    • Consider how communal worship enables us to fulfill Christ's command to love God and others.

    Worship is about the literal expression of a literal truth...God goes up, we go down.

    Pastor Marc Jolicoeur

    Key Takeaways

    • Worship is a profound act of elevating God and aligning ourselves with His will.
    • It serves as a communal expression of love and reverence for God.
    • Worship plays a crucial role in ordering and shaping the Christian community.

    Key Terms

    • Elevating God
    • Communal Worship
    • Christian Love
    • Worship Purpose
    • Spiritual Alignment