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  • Lesson 3: Defining Worship


    This lesson dives into defining 'worship,' exploring its etymology and biblical roots. It examines the original Hebrew and Greek words translated as worship, such as 'shachah' and 'proskyneo,' emphasizing their connotations of humility and reverence. The discussion extends to the distinction between worship and praise, encouraging learners to reflect on how these concepts manifest in their personal worship experiences and the broader church context.

    Upon completing the lesson video, reflect on the following questions, either individually or as part of a group discussion:

    • How does the etymology of 'worship' (worth-ship) influence your understanding of it?
    • Discuss how biblical words for worship, like 'shachah' and 'proskyneo', shape its meaning.
    • Reflect on the distinction between worship and praise in your worship experiences.
    • Consider how worship practices align with the biblical understanding of bowing down or humility.

    Worship...ascribing worth to something, understanding that it has value.

    Pastor Marc Jolicoeur

    Key Takeaways

    • Worship is about ascribing worth and value to God.
    • Biblical languages offer rich insights into the multifaceted nature of worship.
    • Worship involves both a physical and spiritual posture of reverence and humility.

    Key Terms

    • Worth-ship
    • Shachah (Hebrew for Worship)
    • Proskyneo (Greek for Worship)
    • Humility in Worship
    • Reverence