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  • Lesson 3: The Fall

    In this lesson, we will explore the Fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden and its consequences. We will investigate how evil and sin entered the world and the impact it had on humanity and the creation. You will see how God created the world with the possibility of the fall and examine the nature of sin as a corruption of the good. Finally, we explore the distinction between intentional and unintentional sin, highlighting varying degrees of sin in the eyes of God.


    By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

    1. Describe the theological concept of “The Fall” and its significance in Christian doctrine.
    2. Explain the idea that sin and evil are corruptions or privations of the good, rather than independent entities.
    3. Differentiate between intentional and unintentional sin, understanding that not all sins are equal in God's eyes.
    4. Reflect on the practical implications of sin being a corrupted good and the impact this understanding has on moral decision-making.