72 Courses
Este curso le proporcionará al estudiante una mejor comprensión intelectual de la doctrina wesleyana de la santidad para su propio beneficio y para aquellos entre quienes ministra. Se espera que a medida que los estudiantes adquieran más comprensión, Dios continúe trabajando en ellos acercándolos a la justicia en Cristo, apartándolos en la santificación y equipándolos para un servicio cristiano más poderoso.
Palabras clave: Teología de la Santidad, santificación, pureza espiritual, John Wesley, movimiento de santidad, perfección cristiana, gracia divina, crecimiento espiritual, integridad moral, santidad del corazón, vida santa, vida santificada, teología wesleyana, renovación espiritual, devoción religiosa, transformación interior, ética cristiana, doctrina de la santidad, fe y obras, disciplina espiritual, santidad personal, amor divino, vida recta, santidad espiritual, santidad cristiana.
Transform your church’s hospitality ministry with this uplifting, practical course. You will learn how to create a warm, welcoming, and accessible environment that fosters fellowship and spiritual growth. Develop skills necessary for making a lasting impact on both newcomers and long-time church members alike.
Keywords: Church Hospitality, Welcoming Environment, Fellowship Development, Spiritual Growth Facilitation, Hospitality Skills, Impactful Church Welcome, Accessible Church Environment, Newcomer Engagement, Member Retention, Church Fellowship Enhancement, Warm Church Atmosphere, Creating Spiritual Community, Church Environment Improvement, Guest Reception in Church, Church Community Building, Inclusive Church Practices, Welcoming New Church Members, Church Member Engagement, Spiritual Growth Environment, Exceptional Church Experience.
Este curso introduce los conceptos, herramientas y habilidades necesarias para implementar y evaluar la planificación estratégica en una organización. A través de este curso, los participantes aprenderán sobre el proceso de planificación estratégica, la formulación de estrategias, su implementación y evaluación. También se introducirán las herramientas y técnicas utilizadas para analizar el entorno interno y externo de una organización.
Palabras clave: Proceso de planificación estratégica, Formulación de estrategias, Implementación de estrategias, Evaluación estratégica, Herramientas de análisis organizacional, Análisis del entorno interno, Análisis del entorno externo, Habilidades de planificación estratégica, Estrategia organizacional, Gestión estratégica, Técnicas de planificación empresarial, Toma de decisiones estratégicas, Técnicas de análisis de mercado, Desarrollo organizacional, Herramientas de estrategia empresarial, Análisis competitivo, Planificación de visión estratégica, Evaluación del entorno empresarial, Desarrollo de estrategias, Establecimiento de objetivos organizacionales.
En este curso, obtendrás una comprensión más profunda de la naturaleza de la adoración. Te adentrarás en las dimensiones bíblicas, históricas y teológicas de la adoración y explorarás el corazón de la adoración, descubriendo su naturaleza como expresión directa de amor, reverencia y comunión con Dios. Obtendrá una comprensión holística de la adoración, lo que le llevará a tener experiencias de adoración más significativas y transformadoras tanto en entornos personales como comunitarios.
Palabras clave: Naturaleza de la adoración, Comprensión bíblica de la adoración, Perspectivas históricas de la adoración, Teología de la adoración, Corazón de la adoración, Expresión de amor a Dios, Reverencia en la adoración, Comunión con Dios, Comprensión holística de la adoración, Experiencias de adoración transformadora, Desarrollo personal de la adoración, Prácticas de adoración comunitaria, Adoración en la vida cristiana, Perspectivas de adoración espiritual, Tradiciones de adoración, Adoración como conexión espiritual, Adoración en la historia de la iglesia, Prácticas significativas de adoración, Adoración y espiritualidad, Conceptos contemporáneos de adoración.
This course looks at five key moments in the story of the Church from its birth to the present day. Catch a glimpse of how God has walked with his people for the last two thousand years as we await the return of Christ. What lessons can we learn not only about how God has worked in the past but about how we ourselves are in the flow of history today?
Keywords: Christian Church History, Historical Survey, Christianity and Culture, Early Church Development, Church and World History, Cultural Confrontation and Adoption, Christian Identity, Historical Impact on Ministry, Church Evolution, Historical Christianity, Church and Society, Modern Church Influences, Christian Doctrine Evolution, Church-State Relations, Historical Theology, Religious Cultural Dynamics, Christianity's Historical Path, Church Leadership History, Christian Movements, Future Ministry Implications.
In this course you will get a basic overview of the New Testament, from Matthew to Revelation. You will learn its sections and get a sense of what each of its 27 books is about. Finally, we will briefly explore the New Testament’s major themes, figures, and events.
Keywords: New Testament Overview, Matthew to Revelation, Christian New Testament, New Testament Sections, New Testament Books, Bible Studies, Theology Courses, New Testament Themes, Biblical Characters, New Testament Events, Religious Studies, New Testament Introduction, Christian Scripture, Biblical Teachings, New Testament Survey, Gospel Studies, Apostolic Writings, Biblical Education, Scripture Study, Church History
Curious about the Old Testament? These five lessons give you an overview of the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi. You will learn its integral parts and a most basic sense of what each of its 39 books is about. Finally, you will briefly explore the Old Testament’s central themes, figures, and events.
Keywords: Old Testament Overview, Genesis to Malachi,Biblical Studies,Old Testament Themes,Biblical Figures,Old Testament Events,Old Testament Books,Religious Studies,Theology,Christian Scripture,Hebrew Bible,Old Testament Introduction,Biblical History,Old Testament Survey,Old Testament Characters,Judeo-Christian Texts,Old Testament Learning,Bible Course,Scripture Study,Religious Education
Transform your church’s hospitality ministry with this uplifting, practical course. You will learn how to create a warm, welcoming, and accessible environment that fosters fellowship and spiritual growth. Develop skills necessary for making a lasting impact on both newcomers and long-time church members alike.
Keywords: Church Hospitality, Welcoming Environment, Fellowship Development, Spiritual Growth Facilitation, Hospitality Skills, Impactful Church Welcome, Accessible Church Environment, Newcomer Engagement, Member Retention, Church Fellowship Enhancement, Warm Church Atmosphere, Creating Spiritual Community, Church Environment Improvement, Guest Reception in Church, Church Community Building, Inclusive Church Practices, Welcoming New Church Members, Church Member Engagement, Spiritual Growth Environment, Exceptional Church Experience.
In this course, you will be equipped to express your faith confidently in our contemporary world. You will learn the classical arguments for God and Christianity as well as historical answers to questions about suffering and evil. We will also emphasise the importance of the Holy Spirit in drawing us to God and how our character can have an even greater impact on others than our knowledge. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to discuss your faith with doubters, seekers, and believers wanting to go deeper in their faith.
Keywords: Faith Expression, Contemporary Apologetics, Classical Arguments for God, Christian Apologetics, Historical Answers to Suffering, Evil in Theology, Holy Spirit's Role, Character in Witnessing, Engaging Doubters, Talking to Seekers, Deepening Faith Conversations, Rational Defense of Faith, Christian Doctrine Explanation, Apologetic Skills Development, Faith and Reason, Theodicy, Spiritual Conviction, Impactful Faith Communication, Discussing Christianity, Spiritual Knowledge and Character.
Theology is the language of God. This course introduces the core teachings and principles of the Christian faith. You will learn about God as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. You will explore creation, the fall, redemption, and the hope to come.
Keywords: Theology, Christian Doctrine, God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Creation, The Fall, Redemption, Eschatology, Trinity, Biblical Teachings, Christian Faith, Divine Nature, Salvation, Sin and Grace, Christian Ethics, Spiritual Growth, Church History, Biblical Interpretation, Faith and Practice
This course dispels some of the myths about how we should read the Bible and instead considers the ways that different personality types and bio-rhythms impact and benefit your habit of personal scripture reading. Reading the Bible will cease being a duty-bound obligation, and turn into a passionate interaction with the Living Word of God!
Keywords: Bible Study, Scripture Reading, Reading Habits, Spiritual Growth, Living Word of God, Biblical Engagement, Personalized Bible Study, Faith Practice, Spiritual Practice, Bible Study Techniques, Spiritual Development, Disciple Training, Guiding Others, Disciple-Making Skills, Discipleship, Reading the Bible.
Have you ever tried putting together a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box? It’s frustrating and confusing, isn’t it? For many, that’s exactly how approaching the Bible feels—disconnected pieces with no clear picture. But what if you could see how it all fits together? In this course, you’ll discover how the Bible’s big picture points to Jesus as the centrepiece of it all—the "cover of the box" that brings every piece into focus.
Keywords: Empowering Congregation, Church Leadership, Passionate Leadership, Leadership Skills, Visionary Communication, Congregational Empowerment, Leadership Courage, Spiritual Vision, Vision Development, Trust, Making Disciples, Disciple-Making Culture, Faith Journey, Disciple Training, Guiding Others, Disciple-Making Skills, Discipleship, Bible Overview, Biblical themes, Understanding Scripture, Jesus as the Center, Principle of Retribution, Holy Spirit, Roles of Prophets, Mosaic Laws, Gospel fulfillment, Kingdom of God, Final Restoration, Sin and restoration.
Join Rev. Ben Canney, a seasoned camp professional with over a decade of experience, in this course on the essentials of camping ministry. This course covers topics such as establishing deep connections with campers, introducing meaningful challenges to foster growth, and strategically filling schedules to enhance engagement. Safety, a cornerstone of effective camping ministry, is emphasized to ensure a nurturing environment where campers can thrive. Gain fresh insights and strategies to elevate your impact in this transformative field.
Keywords: Camp Ministry, Faith Nurturing, Community Building, Unique Camp Dynamics, Spiritual Retreats, Sabbath Experience, Communal Worship, Faith-Based Activity Planning, Spiritual Growth Strategies, Diverse Age Group Engagement, Physical and Spiritual Safety, Camp Environment, Spiritual Development, Faith Retreat Planning, Outdoor Ministry, Youth Camp Management, Camp Worship Experiences, Safe Camp Environment, Religious Camp Activities, Spiritual Safety Protocols.
In this module, we will seek to understand and define the concept of Grief, as well as to present the foundation of theology for Christian Counseling.
Keywords: Christian counseling, Grief counseling, Chaplains Academy, Lay counseling, Theology of counseling, Healing relationships, Pastoral care, Credentialing program, Ministry of presence, Crisis intervention, Understanding grief, Bereavement support, Death and dying, Theology of grief, Relationship counseling, Accountability in counseling, Religion and counseling, Crisis counseling strategies, Biblical lament, Referring to professionals, Christian discipleship, Pastoral ethics, Bible-based counseling, Counseling techniques
In this module, we will consider the vital priority of relationships in Christian Counselling, as well as the importance of having a strong Self Awareness. We will also reflect upon the seven characteristics of a Christian Counselor. This module also reflects on the importance of reason as it applies to counseling scenarios. We will also discuss when it is mandatory for counselors to report to the authorities. Finally, we will discuss Reality Therapy and the 6 common defence mechanisms that people use in response to dealing with difficult realities.
Keywords: Christian counseling, Grief counseling, Chaplains Academy, Lay counseling, Theology of counseling, Healing relationships, Pastoral care, Credentialing program, Ministry of presence, Crisis intervention, Understanding grief, Bereavement support, Death and dying, Theology of grief, Relationship counseling, Accountability in counseling, Religion and counseling, Crisis counseling strategies, Biblical lament, Referring to professionals, Christian discipleship, Pastoral ethics, Bible-based counseling, Counseling techniques
In this module, we will reflect on the importance of being a life long learner. We will also discuss four important distinctives and four essential ingredients to being a successful evangelical Christian counselor.
Keywords: Christian counseling, Grief counseling, Chaplains Academy, Lay counseling, Theology of counseling, Healing relationships, Pastoral care, Credentialing program, Ministry of presence, Crisis intervention, Understanding grief, Bereavement support, Death and dying, Theology of grief, Relationship counseling, Accountability in counseling, Religion and counseling, Crisis counseling strategies, Biblical lament, Referring to professionals, Christian discipleship, Pastoral ethics, Bible-based counseling, Counseling techniques
In this module, we will discuss and reflect upon Crisis responses as a Christian Counselor. We will define Crisis, and types of Crisis. We will discuss the stages of Crisis and steps for helping people navigate it. We will also discuss the importance of Biblical Lament as a vital and practical christian response, in order to turn to God in the midst of Crisis.
Keywords: Christian counseling, Grief counseling, Chaplains Academy, Lay counseling, Theology of counseling, Healing relationships, Pastoral care, Credentialing program, Ministry of presence, Crisis intervention, Understanding grief, Bereavement support, Death and dying, Theology of grief, Relationship counseling, Accountability in counseling, Religion and counseling, Crisis counseling strategies, Biblical lament, Referring to professionals, Christian discipleship, Pastoral ethics, Bible-based counseling, Counseling techniques
In this module, we will equip you to understand the key skills of a Christian Grief Counselor. We will also discuss the approaches to, phases of, and stages of Grief. We will consider the importance of the story of the Good Samaritan and it’s impact on how to be an effective Christian Counselor. Finally, we will equip you to recognize when you need to refer to a professional, and discuss how to do so in an effective manner.
Keywords: Christian counseling, Grief counseling, Chaplains Academy, Lay counseling, Theology of counseling, Healing relationships, Pastoral care, Credentialing program, Ministry of presence, Crisis intervention, Understanding grief, Bereavement support, Death and dying, Theology of grief, Relationship counseling, Accountability in counseling, Religion and counseling, Crisis counseling strategies, Biblical lament, Referring to professionals, Christian discipleship, Pastoral ethics, Bible-based counseling, Counseling techniques
In this course, you will be equipped with strategies and skills to effectively engage with and serve your community from a faith-based perspective. We will highlight the significance of outreach and networking in Christian life and prepare you to create impactful connections that foster change in your community.
Keywords: Community Engagement, Faith-Based Outreach, Networking in Ministry, Impactful Connections, Christian Community Service, Outreach Strategies, Faith-Based Networking, Community Service Skills, Christian Life Outreach, Community Change, Building Community Relationships, Effective Community Networking, Christian Outreach Programs, Community Collaboration, Faith and Service Integration, Social Impact Strategies, Spiritual Community Building, Networking for Change, Community Partnership Development, Community Transformation Techniques.
¿Quieres llevar tu compromiso con las Escrituras al siguiente nivel? En este curso, aprenderás algunas herramientas básicas para leer las Escrituras en contexto, bañado en oración por la ayuda del Espíritu. Estarás expuesto al proceso de observar, interpretar y aplicar la Biblia a tu vida, a la iglesia y al mundo de hoy. El comienzo de tu viaje con la lectura de la Biblia en contexto comienza aquí.
Palabras clave: Estudio bíblico, Viaje bíblico, Transformación espiritual, Estudio bíblico True North, Sabiduría de Dios, Principios del Reino, Alfabetización bíblica, Entendimiento bíblico, Brújula, Creencias cristianas, Crecimiento espiritual personal, Principios bíblicos, Entendimiento bíblico, Fe y cultura, Educación cristiana, Navegación bíblica, Valores del Reino, Estudio bíblico, KU-25.